Sustainable Ithaca
The vision of the Sustainable Ithaca program is that Ithaca and Tompkins County become a fully sustainable community – environmentally, socially, and economically.
Accordingly, grantmaking addresses a spectrum of topics with emphasis on the integration of systems and cross-sectoral collaboration. A special interest is on projects that enable low-income and the community of color access to and participation in sustainability measures.
In addition to the Foundation restrictions outlined in the overview here, grants are limited to projects and programs that impact sustainability in Tompkins County, NY. Requests for projects outside the county will generally not be considered.

Program Priorities
Ecosystem Conservation
Ecosystem Conservation includes both terrestrial and aquatic systems conservation and restoration. The primary emphasis of aquatic systems is Cayuga Lake and its tributaries. The overall goal is to maintain intact, functional ecosystems in Tompkins County. Projects and programs that address toxic threats to humans and natural systems will also be considered.
Energy and Climate Change
Energy and Climate Change includes addressing climate change by reducing energy use via efficiency measures and increased use of renewable energy sources. The overall goal is to assist the residents of Tompkins County in meeting greenhouse gas reduction targets.
Environmental Education
Environmental Education includes an emphasis on informal K–12 programs and adult education to encourage individual and organizational sustainability practices.
Smart Growth
Smart Growth includes support for smart growth planning, zoning reform, alternative transportation modes, and vehicle mile reduction.
Submit a Proposal
Prior to submitting a proposal, prospective applicants should contact the Foundation to determine appropriate fit. Please be prepared to provide information regarding content and treatment, distribution, outreach, budget, funding sources (and fiscal sponsorship as appropriate).